People have been talking about bipolar disorder, yet many of the common understandings and assumptions are incorrect. Bipolar doesn’t mean what people think it means. Educate yourself and your loved ones, and be part of a better conversation.
I Don’t Have to Teach My Daughter to Be Kind.
Girls tell me they set their own needs aside to be considerate of the needs of others, and all too often, then end up finding themselves stuck in bad situations. So while kindness is important, boundaries are too.
What If You're the One Who Needs to Change?
“Either friend could make the conversation more effective by talking and listening differently, but neither can see their own role in the unyielding disagreement.”
Grade Failures Roll in This Time of Year, and Parents Need to Get a Grip
Failure is a normal part of life. Being disgusted when a kid brings home an “F” in Biology implies that failure is unacceptable.