In mental health care, the focus is too often on managing symptoms, but not frequently enough on getting back to normal life. But mental health care needs to adopt a rehabilitation mindset, so we can restore people to health, not simply manage symptoms of illness.
Here are 5 reasons rehabilitation is necessary after a mental health crisis:
1. If You Wait to Until You Feel Comfortable to Return to Normal Life, You May Never Start
After a serious or disabling mental health crisis, returning to normal can feel overwhelming. It can seem like you have to take on everything at once. You need to get back to work, get back to school, pay your own bills, shop, clean, take care of your pets, and even tend your hygiene again. It all feels like too much to take on.
2. Your Confidence is Shot
You’ve been through the ringer, and you’re left feeling incapable. “Am I a screw-up? Am I the source of the problem?” You tell yourself, “Maybe I can’t do this at all.
3. You’re Out of Practice
All those daunting things you need to start doing again, you feel like you’ve forgotten how to do them. It seems like forever since you were running your life successfully. Can you even remember how?
4. You Feel Lost
There are so many pieces of life to get back on track, it’s hard to know where to start or what is most important.
5. Because Restoring You to Health is About More Than Symptoms Management
Most of your mental health care plan has focused on getting rid of symptoms, but now it’s time to help you truly get back on your feet.
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